Fang Chronicles: Emily's Story Read online

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  Her voice was exasperated, “What are you doing Brandt? Do you really think I would let you die? Even across an ocean, I can feel the turmoil in your stupid brain. You were once my lover and are now my friend. I’m not willing to lose you this way.”

  He heard soft footsteps approach and felt her strong arms lift him slightly. His world went black but his last thought was that death would not be his today, maybe tomorrow.


  The cool cloth brought him back to consciousness. Cheri used it to wipe the blood and sweat from his nude body. He knew this room but hadn’t been there in far too many years. She was aware that he was awake, but he didn’t speak. She continued her attention to his bare human skin.

  Her long brown hair fell forward and the smell of strawberry wine touched his nostrils. Dark lush eyelashes swept over large emerald eyes and softened the defined lines of her high cheekbones. Her alabaster skin untouched by the sun felt like rose petals. She was five foot eight, tall for a woman, but the sway of her body when she moved showed controlled grace and confidence born from hundreds of years of life. Her hands were silk but like a spider’s web, their strength impossible to escape once they trapped you in their steel grip.

  His strong masculine fingers finally grasped hers knowing he didn’t have the power to stop their movement. “You should have let me go. I’m ready; this life has nothing for me.”

  She looked into his gaze. Chocolate brown pain-filled stared from his perfectly sculptured face. His body, a mass of defined muscles flowed one into the other and quivered beneath her touch. Every inch of him a honed fighting machine that reeked of sullen unforgiving alpha power. A human or werewolf would be afraid but she was vampire and spoke to him like she would a child, “You’re selfish, and you can’t stop thinking with your dick. I should let you suffer slowly and heal your own injuries. You think I would allow you to die just because you’re too spoiled to grow up? Besides, do you really think that jackass Clem could lead my people? I would have killed him myself.”

  His arm flexed and muscles stood out, punishingly he squeezed her fingers. He couldn’t physically hurt her but his anguish was apparent in the demanding pressure, “I know, but I wouldn’t have been around to care.”

  Her tone softened, “I don’t understand what you need Brandt. I would give you anything in my power.”

  Her words hurt him more than his injuries. He loved her and shared a far too short time in her bed. Her heart craved another and the knowledge killed him slowly. His pack did not need a weak, lovesick alpha. He died a little more each day from desiring her for his mate. His heart had chosen and this life was not worth living. Anger coursed through his blood. Anger at her and hatred for the man she loved.

  Brandt was the strongest wolf she had ever known; fierce, loyal, and loving with his pack. She had reduced him to this and her blood cringed with his next words.

  “I can’t live this way. It’s killing me slowly each day. I no longer want to watch the sun rise. You are my queen your responsibility is to put the clan first and give me peace. Hatred and jealousy are eating me alive and I’m attracting death to my pack. It is my brothers I kill. They cannot help but challenge my position with this uncertainty weighing me down. My reign as alpha is over and only you can release my soul to the afterlife. Do your duty.” The words carried all the hurt and fury he contained just below the surface of his human form.

  She could also hear his desolation. Sharp fangs again entered his jugular to give him a short time of peace. Her heart ached because she loved him but knew he wanted more. She had cut off their affair many years before. His body, love making, and passion were almost the most incredible she ever felt, but she could not give him the ultimate gift; her heart. After the breakup their friendship suffered for years but finally returned. During these past months she sensed his sadness. She couldn’t change the cause and it had grown worse after his return from the Central Clan’s cub naming ceremony in Arizona. Her trip to Europe was a short term solution to give him space.

  She stood and left the room giving instructions for Dominique, a pack she-wolf, to stay by his side. Closing the door softly she vanished, only to reappear in a cabin far from the main house.

  Strong loving arms wrapped around her as she wearily climbed onto the high bed. He wasn’t alpha nor was he one of the dominant wolves of his pack, but this was where she belonged. His greatest strength lay in his character and his love for her and his family. Killing was not in his nature though he killed for the pack when necessary. His gentleness was what attracted her. She had been part of incredible violence during her early years of being vampire. She was dangerous and deadly but the arms around her brought soothing warmth and the promise of passion.

  “He lives but something must be done.” She said with a soft sigh in his ear.

  “I couldn’t bring myself to attend the challenge and the longer I stayed in this house the more I sensed he would die.” His arms tightened around the woman he loved. “Thank you for coming to my call and for saving my son.”

  Chapter 4

  Brandt’s wounds healed quickly from the enzymes in Cheri’s bites. However, his despair didn’t lessen. He knew his father sent the distress call to their queen. He also knew the two loved one another and both deserved the love they found together.

  Knowing this didn’t make it any easier for Brandt’s heart to accept. He needed a reason to live.

  A soft knock on his door signaled an unwelcome guest. That, the individual could block their mind signature from him, the Alpha of the pack, immediately told Brandt who was knocking and that he couldn’t deny him entry.

  With a resigned sigh, Brandt told his father to come in.

  Pausing just inside the room, Thomas took a deep breath. He raised his son with pride and honor and tried to keep violence away from him, but early on it was apparent Brandt would one day lead the pack. To do so, Brandt had to kill Thomas’ best friend. It was the way of beastkind. Thomas grieved and missed his friend, but he loved his son more than anyone, except Cheri. He had delayed the inevitable long enough. He took the remaining steps to his son’s side.

  Staring with deadly intent Brandt met his father’s eyes. He might behave badly where his feelings for Cheri were concerned, but he was alpha and did not back down from anyone. Just seeing the look on his father’s face, Brandt knew Thomas planned to bring the situation into the open. His dad had not held long eye contact with him since Brandt became alpha but now he would not look away. His words were short and clipped rumbling with a low growl, “I know dad. I’ve known for a long time but I’m not discussing it. You shouldn’t be near me.”

  Thomas placed his hand on his son’s shoulder but Brandt twisted. In an instant, he was off the bed. Thomas’ body flew across the room landing against the far wall. Brandt followed with quick strides and his hand circled his father’s throat cutting off his air. “I want you dead. I want to feel your bones crush beneath my hands and I want to hear the last breath you ever take. This is what you have done to me. Tell your lover to end my life or I will end yours.

  The punishing grip relaxed and Brandt was out of the room with wolf-like speed.

  Thomas flinched when his sensitive hearing picked up the sound of the front door crashing against the large house. Knowing there was only one thing left for him to do, he wiped the single tear from his face and made the decision which might save his son but would bring lasting pain to many.

  That afternoon, Cheri sent the call to Brandt and his wolves. They swiftly arrived at the clearing reserved for challenges and clan business. Cheri’s fury rolled from her body in thick waves. The scent of her rage floated throughout the area. Deadly wrath consumed her features and amber eyes stared out at her assembled clan.

  Turmoil had besieged the wolves for many months due to Brandt’s disinterest. The lupines had animal natures. Unrest caused them to become unstable. Many of them were angry with Brandt while others saw the opening they needed to become the next alpha wolf for their pa
ck. If Brandt continued on his present course of destruction, the past hundred years of work to civilize the pack would be for nothing. Not only did Cheri not agree with the solution Thomas proposed, but she knew there was a high chance she would kill Brandt herself in the end.

  Standing to the side, Thomas knew another challenge was only a matter of time and he would do what he must to save his son. The wolves began to quiet waiting for Cheri to speak. He didn’t give her an opportunity nor did he give another wolf a chance to threaten Brandt. Steady legs carried him forward, turning to his son who was standing next to the woman he loved, he didn’t hesitate “I challenge for alpha.”

  For three heartbeat, no one said a word but then Brandt swore, “You fucking-idiot old man. What the hell do you think you’re doing? I warned you.”

  “I delivered my challenge before the pack. This is a challenge to the death. You have no choice Brandt. You chose to be alpha; you fought for the right by being the strongest among us. You killed one of my oldest friends for the title. I challenge!” Resolve, sorrow, and anger spilled from Thomas’ pores. He knew speaking of their old pack leader would goad his son into action.

  Brandt looked at Cheri, her amber eyes promised death. He knew she was capable of killing him at that moment. He also knew he couldn’t kill his father and only his father could back down from the challenge. Unfortunately, his alpha blood had other thoughts and his inner wolf raged against any love he felt. Just keeping his human form from shifting was difficult. His teeth desired purchase on flesh. His entire being desired his father’s blood.

  “Tomorrow night.” His voice came through elongated teeth and with his wolf barely kept in check, Brandt turned and walked away.

  Thomas’ arms circled Cheri’s shoulders, pulling her close.

  She was stunned and unable to relax into his warmth. They had never shown their feelings for each other to the clan.

  “If I die tomorrow, everyone should know that you’re mine.” His powerful embrace tightened and the wolves slowly faded into the surrounding area.

  Passionate lips came down on hers. She couldn’t believe he was claiming her now when he would die the following day. Pulling away and turning to her lover, she looked into his eyes. “I love you. Don’t do this. If he kills you, I will end his life. Please don’t make me lose both of you.”

  “You will not end his life. The Goddess will decide the outcome and you will let her guide our clan through the next hundred years.”

  “You will die. I know you won’t kill him. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t have a chance. He knows about us and he might love you but he wants your blood to flow. His actions have not been sane for many months.”

  “He needs a mate and he needs to know it will never be you. You are mine and even with my death, he will not have you. The bond between the two of you is only in his heart and not in his blood. A true wolf claim cannot be broken. This false assertion of his can, but he will die if he doesn’t figure that out.”

  “What will he do after he kills you Thomas? Will the challenges never end? Don’t leave me.” There was desperation in her voice.

  The night was warm and smelled faintly of a summer storm that had yet to make an appearance. He pulled her body securely against his and lifted her against his chest. Purposeful strides took them to his cabin. If he only had tonight, he would make it perfect for them both.


  The clan gathered the next evening at midnight. For six months, challenges and bloodshed swept through the pack. Tonight would be difficult for them all. Brandt was strong. He held his position with brains, brute force, blood, and death. The recent challenges came because his uncertainty enveloped them all. The pack respected Thomas. He ran the majority of business enterprises that kept the clan wealthy and they needed his calm strength to counter his son’s alpha nature. There was no chance Thomas could win a physical challenge and the death song would ring through the trees the following night when they lay him to rest.

  Brandt looked wild; his short brown hair unruly, and his eyes barren. His breathing labored in and out. He barely held back his need to provide death to the challenging wolf.

  With a strong resolve, Thomas looked to his son. “I love you and have supported you always. I cannot help loving Cheri and the mate bond is sealed. She has promised not to kill you after I’m dead. I don’t know if I believe her.” His eyes met Cheri’s and his next words were for her, “I love you and in front of my pack, your clan, I claim you. Even in death the bond will continue. You will be able to seek love in other arms but no wolf will claim your true heart and we will see each other again in the afterlife. I’m sorry my love. Forgive me.”

  Cheri turned away sharply her eyes meeting Brandt’s. “He is your father. I love him. I can’t love you the same way. Step down as alpha and walk away from the pack. Thomas will not back down, I have tried everything. He’s willing to give his life over this stupid mate bond you think is between us. Thomas and I are bonded, I cannot merge with you. I’m begging you not to do this.” Anguish colored her words. She thought he would turn away, she had prayed since last night that he would heed her plea. Looking into dead eyes and deep into his black soul, she realized Thomas would die. Her tormented scream sent shivers through the pack as a power surge swept her hair in gusty strands up and around her shoulders.

  Ignoring everything but his need for his father’s blood, Brandt removed his clothing without a word. His father followed suit and the clearing grew quiet. The two men looked at one another. One was a legend for his fighting skills. Dark closely cropped hair, olive toned skin, and arms bulging with muscle only added to the hot energy he exuded. His chest and back showed the definition of a body builder and his legs held the power of the pack’s strongest. Thomas was muscular but did not have a fighter’s build. He could beat half the pack wolves and any human but did not have a chance against his son. And, if by some miracle Thomas won, there would be an immediate challenge from another wolf. Thomas would not leave the ring alive and Cheri’s heart would never recover.

  The air grew thick with the cloying pressure from their clan vampire and their alpha. The pack waited for Brandt to make the first move. His eyes traveled around the circle and then with barely a breath, he attacked. Man shifted to beast and huge paws launched from the ground. Two hundred pounds of wrath hit Thomas and followed him to the dirt. Thomas’s change to wolf followed. He managed to roll from under the powerful jaws of his son. Deadly werewolf claws raked Brandt’s back, going through fur and skin but doing little damage.

  Brandt twisted from the hold with little effort. He was stronger, faster, and deadlier. He hadn’t hurt his father and before his next attack, a small ray of sanity came through the red haze consuming his senses. He shifted to human form. “Give up old man and walk away, leave Cheri behind.”

  The angry wolf facing his son hurled through the air with deadly intent.

  Brandt again shifted to wolf and sidestepped, launching himself on top of his father. Sharp, pointed teeth bit deep into the back of Thomas’ neck. The jugular was his primary goal but ripping out the spinal cord would be deadly too. Bloody fangs bit down, past fur, skin, and muscle.

  Suddenly his grip eased and he looked to the road.

  Thinking this was the dumbest move his son had ever made, Thomas rolled on his back and came within a half inch of closing his own jaws around Brandt’s throat. The sound of a distant vehicle stopped his teeth from descending into their target.

  A truck sped toward them and rounded the last bend in the road coming to a stop with screeching breaks, throwing dust and rocks, while gasoline fumes punctuated the air. Clan energy tapered down a notch when they recognized the occupant of the vehicle. It was driven by one of the few humans that knew their secrets.

  Both Brandt and Thomas put their pants on though neither bothered with shirts. Deputy Charles McNabb jumped out, not realizing the mood of the wolves or his danger. Humans were stupid. The clan accepted this one because his aunt mated with
one of their wolves many years before. Stella was now dead because human life was but a blink in the eyes of the clan.

  The deputy's breathing was fast and inconsistent with driving the truck. “There’s been a murder three hundred miles from here. It was a woman. She kept something in her basement. The authorities aren’t sure if it was a person, animal, or one of each. They called in hounds to search for the killer and the other possible victim.” Charles took another deep breath and looked around the clearing, “I think the murderer was a werewolf.”

  Chapter 5

  “Let’s get back to the house.” Cheri’s voice held relief. A little time might change the course of events that Thomas’ challenge set in motion. She needed time. Taking a swift look at her mate, he waved her on. She flashed from the site.

  The relieved wolves began to disperse and return to their homes.

  Brandt jumped in the passenger side of the truck to get more of the story.

  Charles drove slowly allowing time for the entire rundown of events. “I was called to hold the scene last night and only told it was a violent murder. It wasn’t until a few hours ago that I helped remove the remains and spoke to the investigator. The victim was in her sixties. The basement where they found her was a blood bath.”

  His breathing remained harsh and clenched fingers tightened on the steering wheel, “It was a prison. There were female clothes for various stages of growth from infant to adult. Someone was in there for years. There was also a heavy-duty dog kennel inside, horse tranquilizers sitting on a table outside the basement prison, and an empty syringe lying in the mangled body parts. It was a bloodbath. They think whatever was kept in the kennel killed the woman and tore her limb from limb.” He took another deep breath and went on, “The body was disemboweled too, but none of it appears to have been eaten. The investigator thinks that whatever was in the cage killed the woman and possibly the girl that she kept in the room. A set of bloody bare footprints were on the stairway leading to the first floor of the house. The old woman that owned the home never had children and was a recluse that had little interaction with others. Apparently someone from her church made monthly visits and when he didn’t get an answer at the door, he requested my office do a welfare check. I have no doubt that it was a werewolf kill. I think the beastkind was imprisoned for years and I’m worried she will kill anyone she encounters.” Charles glanced sideways at Brandt seeing how he took the news. He should have known better, Brandt had “blank expression” down better than anyone Charles knew. He looked back at the road and saw the vampire’s house in the distance. “No one was home when I arrived here so I headed to the circle. I’m sorry, but I thought this was more important than anything you had going on tonight.” There was relief in Charles’ voice. He had passed his information up the chain of command. The wolves took care of their own problems and he could relax now. He refused to be curious about the blood on Brandt’s face and chest. That was wolf business and he was human so it was none of his.